Februari 2008

Delete files that are undeletable.

Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open. Close all open programs. Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe. Leave Task Manager open. Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file)...

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When you use Msconfig and then reboot

When you use Msconfig and then reboot, you will have that stupid Selective startup screen appear… Majorly annoying… Download and install this file. It will stop that from appearing…. Disable Selective startup screen save it to your Desktop (you may want to right click and use Save Target As). Double-click the...

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Another Way To Speed up Web Browsing

When you connect to a web site your computer sends information back and forth, this is obvious. Some of this information deals with resolving the site name to an IP address, the stuff that tcp/ip really deals with, not words. This is DNS information and is used so that you will...

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Speed Up Boot-Time Connecting To LAN

Sometimes when connected to a LAN the boot time can take a few minutes. Load times shouldn’t be anywhere near that! Signs of this include the system seemingly freezes after logging in, your desktop showing up but for some reason you just can’t click on anything or run things for a...

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Disable Unneeded Startup Services

To disable unneeded startup services for a safer, faster XP, use the “Services” Admin Tool (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). If you are a single user of a non-networked machine, you can disable the following items, with no ill effect.

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How to Speedup Browsing Folders

You may have noticed that everytime you open my computer to browse folders that there is a slight delay. This is because Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers when you open Windows explorer. To stop XP from doing this follow the instructions below.

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Notice: ob_end_flush(): failed to send buffer of zlib output compression (1) in /home/enamyid/public_html/hendra-k.net/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5427

Notice: ob_end_flush(): failed to send buffer of zlib output compression (1) in /home/enamyid/public_html/hendra-k.net/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5427