By: Ant Onaf Blogs can be a very marketable and very profitable tool if used correctly. Profiting from blogs is just a matter of grabbing the attention of an audience and not doing any actual salesmen selling. In this article you will learn the 13 most essential steps to successful blogging....
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AdSense Tips For Bloggers
By: If you have joined the blogging revolution that is sweeping the net, and you think you might want to make a little revenue – or a lot of revenue – from your blogging efforts, you need AdSense tips for bloggers. Blogging has opened up an entirely new way of...
Continue reading...Mengenal Lebih Jauh tentang e-gold
Latar Belakang adanya E-Gold Oleh Eko Liem | Diterbitkan 10/9/2005 Dalam setiap aktifitas Bisnis online (selanjutnya disebut: eBisnis) kita pasti membutuhkan suatu alat pembayaran digital dalam bertransaksi. Alat pembayaran digital ini disebut mata uang elektronik (eCurrency) yaitu alat pembayaran yang sah dan diterima secara umum di seluruh dunia, misalnya Kartu Kredit (Credit Card)....
Continue reading...Bagaimana Bluetooth Bekerja?
Mengetahui Lebih Jauh: Bluetooth Oleh Anavi Krisyanti | Diterbitkan 11/15/2005 | Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengirimkan sinyal yang sangat lemah sebesar 1 miliwatt (sinyal terkuat ponsel sekitar 3 watt). Sinyal yang lemah ini menyebabkan berkurangnya batas jarak antar Bluetooth sampai 10 meter. Meskipun lemah, tembok rumah sekalipun tidak bisa menghalangi sinyal Bluetooth,...
Continue reading...Sejarah Puasa
Puasa merupakan salah satu rukun Islam yang dilaksanakan oleh kaum muslimin di seluruh dunia. Allah swt. telah mewajibkannya kepada kaum yang beriman, sebagaimana telah diwajibkan atas kaum sebelum Muhammad saw. Puasa merupakan amal ibadah klasik yang telah diwajibkan atas setiap umat-umat terdahulu. Ada empat bentuk puasa yang telah dilakukan oleh umat...
Continue reading...Definisi Paypal
Kebijaksanaan perlindungan tertulis untuk pembeli yang menggunakan Paypal menyatakan pembeli yang menggunakan Paypal dapat melakukan komplain dalam waktu 45 hari jika pembeli belum mendapatkan barang yang dipesan atau jika barang yang dipesan tidak sesuai deskripsi yang di beritahukan penjual. Jika pembeli menggunakan kartu kredit akan mendapatkan pengembalian uang chargeback dari perusahaan...
Continue reading...Tips on Understanding the Dangers of Spyware and Adware
Money is the very crux of adware and spyware. These pose several problems and are a security risk. Adware is a program that displays advertisements on the computer whether you want them or not. They are not just connected to particular websites or free software but are programmed to start up...
Continue reading...10 Reasons Why Vista is Much More Than a Spoon Full of Sugar
Every new operating system comes with advanced and much improved features. What is exciting to some is not so to others. Basically within a new system each user has his or her own individual preferences. Windows Vista or Longhorn as it was first known is a replacement for XP and is...
Continue reading...13 Comparisons of Vista vs Tiger
Competitive and fast are two terms that are applicable to the world of computers. Constantly changing and evolving computer systems bring many advantages to the users and techies alike. The race for supremacy between the yet to be launched Vista (scheduled for 2006) and Mac OSX Tiger began in 2003 with...
Continue reading...Simple Steps – Protect your Computer Online
So you’ve bought your computer and want to get online? It’s not as simple as connect the wire and off you go these day’s. The internet is a weird and wonderful place as long as you can control what you do. That’s why you need to protect yourself. These can be...
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