Holidays for some people, who have worked hard throughout working days, you need a very special holiday that is useful for refreshing, and gather with all the family. To take advantage of the holiday is a must to choose activities that really have a good value, because the holidays must be...
Continue reading...Hendra Kharisma
how to install remote desktop using nx from nomachine
Ok, I’ve fought with this off and on for a-while, but I finally found the right combination. First of all, forget freeNX. The NoMachine folks have released a “desktop” edition of their latest product called “NX Desktop Server” that is free for personal use (2 users/connections).
Continue reading...Dia Bawa Duren
Pada perang dunia ke-dua, tiga pesawat Belanda jatuh di Kalimantan. Ketiga pilot itu pun akhirnya disandera oleh warga setempat yang ternyata adalah orang Dayak. Kebetulan orang-orang dayak tersebut adalah ‘head hunter’ dan sekaligus kanibal. Mengetahui hal tersebut, ketiga pilot yang takut tersebut memohon agar tidak dibunuh.
Orang bodoh sulit dapat kerja, akhirnya di bisnis. Agar bisnisnya berhasil, tentu dia harus rekrut orang Pintar. Walhasil Bosnya orang pintar adalah orang bodoh.
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Ikan adalah anggota vertebrata poikilotermik (berdarah dingin) yang hidup di air dan bernapas dengan insang. Ikan merupakan kelompok vertebrata yang paling beraneka ragam dengan jumlah spesies lebih dari 27,000 di seluruh dunia. Secara taksonomi, ikan tergolong kelompok paraphyletic yang hubungan kekerabatannya masih diperdebatkan; biasanya ikan dibagi menjadi ikan tanpa rahang (kelas...
Continue reading...Mika Nakashima – Glamorous Sky [ Nana OST ]
Lyrics: AI YAZAWA Music: HYDE Romaji by: cori [2005.08.30 fixed lyrics] akehanashita mado ni mawaru ranbu no DEEP SKY AH aoide…
Continue reading...Selamat tinggal Firefox, Selamat datang Google Chrome
Kepada firefox ku yang tercinta, mungkin ini bukanlah akhir dari segalanya, namun hal ini sudah mulai terbukti bahwa aku sudah mendapatkan sesuatu yang dapat mengalihkan perhatianku pada dirimu. Walaupun aku sudah mendapatkan yang lain, aku akan tidak pernah lupa akan jasa-jasamu sebagai yang selalu pertama dalam hidupku selama ini, sekarang sudah...
Continue reading...Remove duplicate entry on mysql record
When I have very lot of duplicate entry in my database, I searching on the net about how to eliminate unnecessary entry on my Database. Here’s the magic command I found on the net. CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT * FROM old_table WHERE 1 GROUP BY [COLUMN TO remove duplicates BY];...
Continue reading...Create network drive using ssh to window env.
OK. Before I start on this one, I’m stating for the record that I’m posting this as much so I don’t have to find it again as anything. However, given the number of places online that I found this question asked, but not answered, I hope it proves useful to the...
Continue reading...Proof men are better friends than women
Friendship Between Women: A woman didn’t come home one night. The next day she told her husband that she had slept over at a friend’s house. The man called his wife’s 10 best friends. None of them knew about it.
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