Possible Ways to Help Your Relative Quit Smoking

If your Relative or someone you care about has wanted to quit smoking for ever, you can play a very important role in helping him or her. Not only are they doing themselves a big favor by bidding farewell to this nasty habit, they are helping you as well because of the harmful effects of second hand smoke.

Here are a few ways to help your Relative or someone you care about quit smoking.

Quit With Them Him or Her

If you are a smoker, then by joining your Relative, their chances for quitting smoking can be better as you get instant support from someone you care about. Even if you are not a smoker, there must be an area in your life on which you have been meaning to work on. Make that your goal. It could be exercising more or drinking alcohol less. Whatever it may be, start helping your partner quit smoking by setting goals for yourself too. So in case they feels the urge to light up a cigarette, you can help him by modeling how you too are staying away from fast food restaurants.

Keep Him Away from Triggers and Triggers Away from Him

Some people or situations can be triggers for wanting to smoke again. As a way to help him quit smoking, try to make plans that do not revolve around friends who smoke or places where everyone is happily puffing away. Remove ashtrays and other stuff from around the house which can serve as constant reminders of the filthy habit. Unsubscribe from smoker promotional emails and mailings that send discount coupons and other incentives to continue smoking. Pool Halls can be littered with smokers and smoking advertising. Find alternative forms of entertainment.

Find a Distraction

Enroll in a cooking class or learn ballroom dancing together. It may not be a magic pill, but it may help you get his mind off smoking and in to some other creative outlet.

Look At on the Good Things

Help Relative quit smoking by clipping out articles (or emailing them to him) about the financial and health benefits of kicking the habit. Of course, he may know all of it already, but subtle reminders can act as motivation and may just make the difference between lighting up another cigarette or not.

Sign up for my free newsletter on help to quit smoking at www.stop-smoking-insider.com

Plenty of studies suggest that working towards any goals becomes easier if done with a partner. That’s what Weight Watchers is based on. They say people who join with a friend are 3 times more likely to stick with the program and hence lose weight and keep it off. The same applies to helping someone quit smoking. Give them the support and the shoulder they need.


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