
Medicinal uses of Onion:

1)Onion inhibits tumour growth because it is rich in a variety of sulfides.Research shows that the Chinese-with the highest intake of onions and garlic-have 40 per cent less risks of cancer. 2)As onion contains essential oils like alipropyl disulphide,catechol,protocatechnic acid and thiopropionoaldehyde-it is beneficial in heart diseases.One who takes 100 gms...

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Simple way to Meditate

The Scriptures have given common man the idea of meditation which can make you oneself with God. For common people the word seemed to signify a kind of special method to practice so that one could feel the presence of God and the perfection of the method would lead one to...

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The health effects of tobacco smoking refers to direct tobacco smoking as well as the inhalation of environmental or secondhand tobacco smoke. The WHO in the 2002 World Health Repor estimates that in developed countries, 26% of male deaths and 9% of female deaths can be attributed to smoking. Similarly, the...

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Spinal disc transplant ’success’

Spinal disc transplant ‘success’ Doctors in China have carried out the world’s first spinal disc transplants on five patients, a study says. The discs were placed in the necks of four men and a woman by a University of Hong Kong-led team. They were taken, with the consent of relatives, from...

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A – Z of Diabetes related Difinitions ( V – Z )

Vascular (VAS-kyoo-ler): relating to the body’s blood vessels. vein : a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart. very-long-acting insulin: a type of insulin that starts to lower blood glucose within 1 hour after injection and keeps working evenly for 24 hours after injection. very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol : a...

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Life on this earth has become a trial and so it is to be able to live healthy. Medical science has improved to a great deal but we have to compare our modern day doctors with the quality of mind that Indian doctors or (Vaidy ) strove to cultivate in the...

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Signs if Someone Uses Alcohol

Physical Signs * Change in sleeping patterns* Bloodshot eyes* Slurred or agitated speech* Sudden or dramatic weight loss or gain* Skin abrasions/bruises* Neglected appearance/poor hygiene* Sick more frequently* Accidents or injuries Behavioral Signs * Hiding use; lying and covering up* Sense that the person will “do anything” to use again regardless...

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How to sleep better?

Listening to music before going to bed can help you get a good sound sleep,according to a recent study. The research was carried on mant elderly persons carrying sleep problems.During the study,they were given a choice to hear to music .The persons who went to bed after listening to music have...

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A young child may complain about many things but he rarely complains about his eyes. His vision may be blurred, and he may even see double but he does not know much about it. Proper eye care should begin even before the child is born. Young children should always be protected...

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